Thursday, April 12, 2012


[:1]After finding out that the map editor (both official and Hazard's) don't work on Win7, especially without vanilla, I looked all over the forums for a solution. That isn't the point of this post, however, because after reading about 'abyss' type seafloor terrain and then reading this post, and THEN reading how non amphibious units cannot even TOUCH water, I thought, perhaps a mod could be made that tells units that they can walk through foam type terrain? Like directly off shore of the beach, because that is very shallow. Depending on how the code works it might break every water map in existence, but seeing as how naval wreckage was not used because of an engine limitation I thought I might ask. What you think, people?|||You cannot make units partially amphibious, as that's handled entirely by the engine. Either they can walk anywhere traversible underwater, or they can't. What you can do is make maps that have steep dropoffs underwater just off-shore that don't allow amphibious units to cross them, and then make all normal land units amphibious in a mod (I just helped someone do this about two weeks ago, look through this forum for that thread).|||What sucks about that though is that then nothing can cross the ocean. >:( So the only way to get SABs to wade across a river is by altering the engine, or making them amphibious? There's got to be a better way...|||Nope. Amphibious movement is all-or-nothing.|||Could you define a new class that allows for limited amphibious movement?
EDIT: It could tell the unit to check if it can be fired upon by surface units and if not to walk toward the shore until it can. This way it would never be completely submerged. This wouldn't work without a fix for the unit not being able to be shot at from the water like in CBFP v3 or something.|||No. Movement is 100% engine-controlled. There are five movement types: land, hover, water, sub, and air. You can only choose one of these, you cannot control how they work, nor can you transition a unit between them (in FA; you can in SC2).
I'm not really sure what you're describing there, but it cannot be done in the moho engine using lua. It's not possible to prevent a unit from moving in a certain direction without some seriously complex and performance-intensive scripting, and even then it would look and feel like a total hack.|||didn't the TA mod do something like this? the shallow water thing i mean, it may have been exactly what mithy was describing to do, but some of the units were able to fully cross an ocean, i can't remmeber to be perfectly honest but it couldn't hurt to take a look.|||Well, you could make them all amphibious and then give them fuel like in this thread:
Then give all the units besides real amphibious ones a really low fuel time like 2 seconds and then make them really slow on low fuel. Regular amphibious units would have no fuel, and the fuel bar would be hidden.|||Lt_hawkeye|||Mithy|||You would need to use a running thread on every unit that crosses onto seabed layer that constantly checks its position against surface height and sets speed accordingly. It could be done, but you wouldn't want the check running more than twice a second or so.|||i remember that along with the TA mod there was something the creator added called a "footprint mod" that did something to unit footprints that allowed for better mimicry of TA movement, again, i can't remember exactly what it did.

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