Thursday, April 19, 2012

(FA) Question about the Cooper torpedo boat categories

To set it up: I am currently working on a UEF T3 Anti-torpedo structure, and decided to use the anti torpedo weapon from the Cooper torpedo boat.
While looking through the categories, I found this:
Does anyone know why this is there? Was GPG planning to give the UEF an experimental
naval construction sub? Because it makes me think of the Tempest, but since that's Aeon it didn't make since for that to be in a UEF unit's categories.
EDIT: Strange...It seems that all new-for-FA T2 boats have the
category.|||Most likely an oversight - there's more than a few spread across the units in FA. You can safely remove it.|||Probably how they were originally going to have the Tempest construct them, but they went with normal T2 naval factory BuildableCategory entries in the Tempest's bp.
Edit: Whoops, this is the UEF boat. No idea then. More leftovers.

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