Monday, April 16, 2012

Merge Mod Help

First, let me say that I'm using the B&P mod and SC2MM v9. It works great. I also put Duncans MassExtractorBalance mod in the gamedata folder and it also works great. I've been reading the forum for days and trying my own things. I want to make the Illuminate Tac missile launcher have the range of UEF and Cybran arty and be more expensive. I know, don't laugh, just trying things.
I followed the exact same layout as the mass extractor mod making a UIB0106_units.bp file with the merge changes inside, putting it in mods/DLC1/shadow/units folder and also in a separate units folder. Then putting both of those in a TacMissileMod.scd file and it doesn't work.
I then tried just adding the merge files directly to z_BP_shadow_unit_blue_print_merge_mod.bp file in the B&P mod and it still won't work. Reading through here I don't understand what's making it not work? I haven't tried changing the uncompiled lua.scd directly yet as I want to avoid that. Am I misunderstanding something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.|||Did you read this whole post (which is linked from the SC2 developer sticky), including the troubleshooting sections?
The first method you tried, using the same path as the original within shadow, won't work if that's already being shadowed by the game. Even if it isn't, it's better to use the second method you tried, putting it into a new .bp file in /mods/DLC1.
If you can't get your log messages to show up following the instructions in the linked post, then post your BP merges here (use pastebin if they're really large) along with the full paths of the .bp file(s) they're in, and we can help you out.|||Still no luck. Here's the bp file:
UnitBlueprint {
Merge = true,
BlueprintId = "ucb0105", --Cybran Long Range Artillery
Defense = {
Health = 5000, --7000
MaxHealth = 5000, --7000
Economy = {
BuildTime = 250, --70
EnergyValue = 2825, --2750
MassValue = 825, --750
Weapons = {
MaxRadius = 600, --500
UnitBlueprint {
Merge = true,
BlueprintId = "uib0106", --Illuminate Tactical Missile Launcher
Defense = {
Health = 4500, --2000
MaxHealth = 4500, --2000
Economy = {
BuildTime = 250, --35
EnergyValue = 3100, --1500
MassValue = 950, --350
Weapons = {
Damage = 460, --1500
DamageRadius = 3, --20
MaxRadius = 600, --225
MinRadius = 40, --15
ProjectileLifetime = 150, --40
RateOfFire = 0.15, --0.1
TargetCheckInterval = 4, --2
UnitBlueprint {
Merge = true,
BlueprintId = "uub0105", --UEF Long Range Artillery
Defense = {
Health = 5500, --7000
MaxHealth = 5500, --7000
Economy = {
BuildTime = 225, --70
I named it z_unit_tac_arty_balance.bp. I put it in DLC1 folder then that in mods folder. I then named it TacArtyMod.scd and put in gamedata folder. I wonder if it's because the B&P mod has a z_lua_dlc1.scd file in it that is overwriting mine? I hadn't had a chance to get a log though. Sorry.|||Make sure your TacMissileMod.scd is named after the other mods or your changes will be overwritten if those units are merged already, adding zz_ to the front of it should fix the problem your having ex: zz_TacMissileMod.scd|||Always use code tags when posting anything with tabs or spaces, because the forum doesn't preserve them. Try the logging, and re-post that with code tags if you don't get anywhere. I don't see anything glaring, but it's really hard to tell without any kind of formatting.
.scd replacement mods won't override your merges if you're using the naming convention that you posted. Merges in that path starting with a z will always happen after all base game and DLC blueprints. But it's hard to say what the problem really is until you know whether or not the file is even being read, which is what the log test is for.|||He said he was using he mod along with the B&P mod which is a merge mod.|||Thanks for all the help, I can be a little dense when it comes to this. In all the frustration it never occurred to me to take the B&P mod out and try just mine. I'll test that as well when I get home tonite. I just don't think mine is being read. I feel the bp code is fine, the file is just not being read in the first place.
What's strange is Duncans mass extractor mod works great. If i follow the exact same format as his mod and make mine, mine won't work. I give all you guys credit for making this seem so easy. I just analyze it to death and make it more difficult before I start understanding. I read all the threads about merging and hooking and all their attached threads over and over, I guess it hasn't sunk in yet. :)|||HisAlterEgo|||Or, you know, follow the instructions in that thread and don't use an .scd at all. Just use a folder with an .scd name. That completely takes compression issues out of the equation while you're troubleshooting and editing, and saves you a lot of work.|||Well I looked at how winrar was saving my file and neglected to change it from rar to zip format. Tried that and didn't work. So I just made a normal folder and used the name zz_TacticalMissileMod.scd and it works now. Thanks for all the help. Whew, long way to go.|||When you zip it make sure its like this and it will be fine, you can use the folder it better for testing but when you finished your changes pack them in a SCD so they can be used with the mod manager.
Uploaded with|||I updated a bunch of things in the OP of the blueprint merge help thread, to further emphasize using an uncompressed folder and to clarify some ambiguities about blueprint paths. It'd be nice if that could be stickied, since nobody reads the developer help thread, but oh well.|||Thanks Milthy, I looked through the updated thread. To be honest that part about the folder with .scd extension down in the thread for some reason didn't stand out to me. Sorry. Now that I see it up in the top of the OP it seems pretty obvious. I never said I was the brightest. :)|||err, lod, i think compression method has to be 'store' as in no compression at all, 'normal' does compress.|||durruti|||I use "best" compression method, witch saves me a lot of space, but then again i am only modding the 360 version but it should work with the pc as well :wink:|||I think I read in another thread that it doesn't but does the engine or the AI see the changes I made and say "I have a new long range unit so I can build more and cause more damage", or is it hardcoded to just follow a certain build list and follow it every time?|||If you add new units yes you have to code the AI to use them.

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