Basically, I'm tweaking some unit's balance. I'm working from a copy of the Patch 3603v5 mod (as I want the same balance as that mod, just with a few units tweaked) and it's going pretty well so far. The one problem I have is that when I modify a unit's Economy values (BuildCostEnergy, BuildCostMass, BuildTime), the build progress bar in game is incorrect.
For example, the unit in question is the Mercy. I want to make it twice as expensive, as well as slightly slowing it down and decreasing it's range. I've already done the latter and that works fine, but when I change the Economy values, whenever I build one in game it seems to start out at 10% completed in the air factory as soon as I queue it.
I'm guessing there's another value that I need to modify so that this syncs up... but I've yet to find any mention of a similar problem in these forums or any of the FAQs/tutorials.
Thanks!|||I've never heard of a problem like this. Have you seen this with other units as well, or just the Mercy?|||Nope, I've modded several other units and successfully changed their economy values.
Here's the text of the blueprint file, if that helps any. Like I said, I'd copied this from the 3603 mod and just tweaked the economy and some of the targeting values (so it detonates closer to it's target).
UnitBlueprint {
Merge = true,
Air = {
AutoLandTime = 1,
BankFactor = 4,
BankForward = false,
BreakOffDistance = 30,
BreakOffTrigger = 10,
CanFly = true,
KLift = 5,
KLiftDamping = 2,
KMove = 1,
KMoveDamping = 1,
KRoll = 2,
KRollDamping = 1,
KTurn = 2,
KTurnDamping = 3,
LiftFactor = 7,
MaxAirspeed = 10,
MinAirspeed = 10,
TurnSpeed = 0.6,
Winged = true,
Audio = {
AirUnitWaterImpact = Sound {
Bank = 'Explosions',
Cue = 'Expl_Water_Lrg_01',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
AmbientMove = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Loop',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Destroyed = Sound {
Bank = 'UAADestroy',
Cue = 'UAA_Destroy_Air',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Killed = Sound {
Bank = 'UAADestroy',
Cue = 'UAA_Destroy_Air_Killed',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Landing = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Land',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
StartMove = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Start',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
StopMove = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Stop',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Thruster = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Thruster',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
UISelection = Sound {
Bank = 'Interface',
Cue = 'Aeon_Select_Air',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
BuildIconSortPriority = 35,
Categories = {
ContrailEffects = {
Defense = {
AirThreatLevel = 0,
ArmorType = 'Light',
EconomyThreatLevel = 0,
Health = 10,
MaxHealth = 10,
RegenRate = 0,
SubThreatLevel = 0,
SurfaceThreatLevel = 4,
Description = '
Display = {
Abilities = {
LayerChangeEffects = {
AirLand = {
Effects = {
Bones = {
Type = 'Landing01',
LandAir = {
Effects = {
Bones = {
Type = 'TakeOff01',
Mesh = {
IconFadeInZoom = 130,
LODs = {
LODCutoff = 50,
Scrolling = true,
ShaderName = 'Aeon',
AlbedoName = '',
LODCutoff = 215,
ShaderName = 'Aeon',
SpecularName = '',
MovementEffects = {
Air = {
Contrails = {
Bones = {
PlaceholderMeshName = 'UXA0010',
SpawnRandomRotation = true,
UniformScale = 0.15,
Economy = {
BuildCostEnergy = 12000,
BuildCostMass = 600,
BuildTime = 4000,
Footprint = {
MaxSlope = 0.25,
SizeX = 1,
SizeZ = 1,
General = {
Category = 'Utility',
Classification = 'RULEUC_MilitaryAircraft',
CommandCaps = {
RULEUCC_Attack = true,
RULEUCC_CallTransport = false,
RULEUCC_Capture = false,
RULEUCC_Dock = false,
RULEUCC_Guard = false,
RULEUCC_Move = true,
RULEUCC_Nuke = false,
RULEUCC_Patrol = false,
RULEUCC_Reclaim = false,
RULEUCC_Repair = false,
RULEUCC_RetaliateToggle = true,
RULEUCC_Stop = true,
RULEUCC_Transport = false,
FactionName = 'Aeon',
Icon = 'air',
TechLevel = 'RULEUTL_Secret',
UnitName = '
UnitWeight = 1,
Intel = {
VisionRadius = 15,
Interface = {
HelpText = '
LifeBarHeight = 0.075,
LifeBarOffset = 0.6,
LifeBarSize = 0.75,
Physics = {
AttackElevation = 0.5,
BuildOnLayerCaps = {
LAYER_Air = true,
LAYER_Land = false,
LAYER_Orbit = false,
LAYER_Seabed = false,
LAYER_Sub = false,
LAYER_Water = false,
Elevation = 18,
FuelRechargeRate = 0,
FuelUseTime = 60,
GroundCollisionOffset = 0.4,
MaxSpeed = 8,
MeshExtentsX = 1.5,
MeshExtentsY = 0.25,
MeshExtentsZ = 1,
MinSpeedPercent = 0.85,
MotionType = 'RULEUMT_Air',
SelectionSizeX = 0.3,
SelectionSizeZ = 1.2,
SelectionThickness = 0.3,
SizeSphere = 0.6,
SizeX = 0.8,
SizeY = 0.25,
SizeZ = 1.4,
StrategicIconName = 'icon_fighter2_bomb',
StrategicIconSortPriority = 55,
Transport = {
AirClass = true,
TransportClass = 10,
Weapon = {
AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
Audio = {
Fire = Sound {
Bank = 'UAAWeapon',
Cue = 'UAA0304_Bomb_Quark',
LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
BallicsticArc = 'RULEUBA_None',
CollideFriendly = true,
Damage = 2400,
DamageFriendly = true,
DamageRadius = 3,
DamageType = 'Normal',
DisplayName = 'Kamikaze',
EffectiveRadius = 0,
FireTargetLayerCapsTable = {
Air = 'Land|Seabed|Water',
Land = 'Air|Land|Seabed|Water',
Water = 'Air|Land|Seabed|Water',
FiringTolerance = 3,
Label = 'Suicide',
MaxRadius = 15,
MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0,
MuzzleSalvoSize = 1,
MuzzleVelocity = 18,
ProjectileId = '/projectiles/AIFGuidedMissile01/AIFGuidedMissile01_proj.bp',
ProjectileLifetime = 10,
ProjectilesPerOnFire = 1,
RackBones = {
MuzzleBones = {
RackBone = 'DAA0206',
RackFireTogether = false,
RackRecoilDistance = 0,
RackReloadTimeout = 10,
RackSalvoChargeTime = 0,
RackSalvoReloadTime = 10,
RackSalvoSize = 1,
RackSlavedToTurret = false,
RateOfFire = 10,
SlavedToBody = true,
SlavedToBodyArcRange = 35,
TargetCheckInterval = 999999,
TargetPriorities = {
TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE',
TrackingRadius = 0.5,
TurretBoneMuzzle = 'DAA0206',
TurretBonePitch = 'DAA0206',
TurretBoneYaw = 'DAA0206',
TurretDualManipulators = false,
TurretPitch = 0,
TurretPitchRange = 40,
TurretPitchSpeed = 720,
TurretYaw = 0,
TurretYawRange = 40,
TurretYawSpeed = 720,
Turreted = true,
WeaponCategory = 'Kamikaze',
AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
Damage = 25,
DamageFriendly = true,
DamageRadius = 3,
DamageType = 'Normal',
DisplayName = 'Air Crash',
DummyWeapon = true,
FiringTolerance = 2,
Label = 'DeathImpact',
WeaponCategory = 'Death',
}|||Maybe first you should look into 'Merging' blueprints, it'll make it much easy for people to help you, and much easy for you to modify things :)|||R4000|||uberge3k
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