Monday, April 16, 2012

[FA] Build bars are wrong?

I'm new to modding, and I'm sure the answer to my question is blindingly obvious, but I've been searching the forums and reading the stickies without any success.
Basically, I'm tweaking some unit's balance. I'm working from a copy of the Patch 3603v5 mod (as I want the same balance as that mod, just with a few units tweaked) and it's going pretty well so far. The one problem I have is that when I modify a unit's Economy values (BuildCostEnergy, BuildCostMass, BuildTime), the build progress bar in game is incorrect.
For example, the unit in question is the Mercy. I want to make it twice as expensive, as well as slightly slowing it down and decreasing it's range. I've already done the latter and that works fine, but when I change the Economy values, whenever I build one in game it seems to start out at 10% completed in the air factory as soon as I queue it.
I'm guessing there's another value that I need to modify so that this syncs up... but I've yet to find any mention of a similar problem in these forums or any of the FAQs/tutorials.
Thanks!|||I've never heard of a problem like this. Have you seen this with other units as well, or just the Mercy?|||Nope, I've modded several other units and successfully changed their economy values.
Here's the text of the blueprint file, if that helps any. Like I said, I'd copied this from the 3603 mod and just tweaked the economy and some of the targeting values (so it detonates closer to it's target).
UnitBlueprint {
Merge = true,
Air = {
AutoLandTime = 1,
BankFactor = 4,
BankForward = false,
BreakOffDistance = 30,
BreakOffTrigger = 10,
CanFly = true,
KLift = 5,
KLiftDamping = 2,
KMove = 1,
KMoveDamping = 1,
KRoll = 2,
KRollDamping = 1,
KTurn = 2,
KTurnDamping = 3,
LiftFactor = 7,
MaxAirspeed = 10,
MinAirspeed = 10,
TurnSpeed = 0.6,
Winged = true,
Audio = {
AirUnitWaterImpact = Sound {
Bank = 'Explosions',
Cue = 'Expl_Water_Lrg_01',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
AmbientMove = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Loop',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Destroyed = Sound {
Bank = 'UAADestroy',
Cue = 'UAA_Destroy_Air',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Killed = Sound {
Bank = 'UAADestroy',
Cue = 'UAA_Destroy_Air_Killed',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Landing = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Land',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
StartMove = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Start',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
StopMove = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Stop',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
Thruster = Sound {
Bank = 'UAA',
Cue = 'UAA0204_Move_Thruster',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
UISelection = Sound {
Bank = 'Interface',
Cue = 'Aeon_Select_Air',
LodCutoff = 'UnitMove_LodCutoff',
BuildIconSortPriority = 35,
Categories = {
ContrailEffects = {
Defense = {
AirThreatLevel = 0,
ArmorType = 'Light',
EconomyThreatLevel = 0,
Health = 10,
MaxHealth = 10,
RegenRate = 0,
SubThreatLevel = 0,
SurfaceThreatLevel = 4,
Description = 'Guided Missile',
Display = {
Abilities = {
'Suicide Weapon',
LayerChangeEffects = {
AirLand = {
Effects = {
Bones = {
Type = 'Landing01',
LandAir = {
Effects = {
Bones = {
Type = 'TakeOff01',
Mesh = {
IconFadeInZoom = 130,
LODs = {
LODCutoff = 50,
Scrolling = true,
ShaderName = 'Aeon',
AlbedoName = '',
LODCutoff = 215,
ShaderName = 'Aeon',
SpecularName = '',
MovementEffects = {
Air = {
Contrails = {
Bones = {
PlaceholderMeshName = 'UXA0010',
SpawnRandomRotation = true,
UniformScale = 0.15,
Economy = {
BuildCostEnergy = 12000,
BuildCostMass = 600,
BuildTime = 4000,
Footprint = {
MaxSlope = 0.25,
SizeX = 1,
SizeZ = 1,
General = {
Category = 'Utility',
Classification = 'RULEUC_MilitaryAircraft',
CommandCaps = {
RULEUCC_Attack = true,
RULEUCC_CallTransport = false,
RULEUCC_Capture = false,
RULEUCC_Dock = false,
RULEUCC_Guard = false,
RULEUCC_Move = true,
RULEUCC_Nuke = false,
RULEUCC_Patrol = false,
RULEUCC_Reclaim = false,
RULEUCC_Repair = false,
RULEUCC_RetaliateToggle = true,
RULEUCC_Stop = true,
RULEUCC_Transport = false,
FactionName = 'Aeon',
Icon = 'air',
TechLevel = 'RULEUTL_Secret',
UnitName = 'Mercy',
UnitWeight = 1,
Intel = {
VisionRadius = 15,
Interface = {
HelpText = 'Guided Missile',
LifeBarHeight = 0.075,
LifeBarOffset = 0.6,
LifeBarSize = 0.75,
Physics = {
AttackElevation = 0.5,
BuildOnLayerCaps = {
LAYER_Air = true,
LAYER_Land = false,
LAYER_Orbit = false,
LAYER_Seabed = false,
LAYER_Sub = false,
LAYER_Water = false,
Elevation = 18,
FuelRechargeRate = 0,
FuelUseTime = 60,
GroundCollisionOffset = 0.4,
MaxSpeed = 8,
MeshExtentsX = 1.5,
MeshExtentsY = 0.25,
MeshExtentsZ = 1,
MinSpeedPercent = 0.85,
MotionType = 'RULEUMT_Air',
SelectionSizeX = 0.3,
SelectionSizeZ = 1.2,
SelectionThickness = 0.3,
SizeSphere = 0.6,
SizeX = 0.8,
SizeY = 0.25,
SizeZ = 1.4,
StrategicIconName = 'icon_fighter2_bomb',
StrategicIconSortPriority = 55,
Transport = {
AirClass = true,
TransportClass = 10,
Weapon = {
AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
Audio = {
Fire = Sound {
Bank = 'UAAWeapon',
Cue = 'UAA0304_Bomb_Quark',
LodCutoff = 'Weapon_LodCutoff',
BallicsticArc = 'RULEUBA_None',
CollideFriendly = true,
Damage = 2400,
DamageFriendly = true,
DamageRadius = 3,
DamageType = 'Normal',
DisplayName = 'Kamikaze',
EffectiveRadius = 0,
FireTargetLayerCapsTable = {
Air = 'Land|Seabed|Water',
Land = 'Air|Land|Seabed|Water',
Water = 'Air|Land|Seabed|Water',
FiringTolerance = 3,
Label = 'Suicide',
MaxRadius = 15,
MuzzleSalvoDelay = 0,
MuzzleSalvoSize = 1,
MuzzleVelocity = 18,
ProjectileId = '/projectiles/AIFGuidedMissile01/AIFGuidedMissile01_proj.bp',
ProjectileLifetime = 10,
ProjectilesPerOnFire = 1,
RackBones = {
MuzzleBones = {
RackBone = 'DAA0206',
RackFireTogether = false,
RackRecoilDistance = 0,
RackReloadTimeout = 10,
RackSalvoChargeTime = 0,
RackSalvoReloadTime = 10,
RackSalvoSize = 1,
RackSlavedToTurret = false,
RateOfFire = 10,
SlavedToBody = true,
SlavedToBodyArcRange = 35,
TargetCheckInterval = 999999,
TargetPriorities = {
TargetRestrictDisallow = 'UNTARGETABLE',
TrackingRadius = 0.5,
TurretBoneMuzzle = 'DAA0206',
TurretBonePitch = 'DAA0206',
TurretBoneYaw = 'DAA0206',
TurretDualManipulators = false,
TurretPitch = 0,
TurretPitchRange = 40,
TurretPitchSpeed = 720,
TurretYaw = 0,
TurretYawRange = 40,
TurretYawSpeed = 720,
Turreted = true,
WeaponCategory = 'Kamikaze',
AboveWaterTargetsOnly = true,
Damage = 25,
DamageFriendly = true,
DamageRadius = 3,
DamageType = 'Normal',
DisplayName = 'Air Crash',
DummyWeapon = true,
FiringTolerance = 2,
Label = 'DeathImpact',
WeaponCategory = 'Death',
}|||Maybe first you should look into 'Merging' blueprints, it'll make it much easy for people to help you, and much easy for you to modify things :)|||R4000|||uberge3k

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