Hello I am trying to give shields to my power generators in the game. I copied the shield info from the shield unit UAB4301. it works fine on tech 3 mass fabricators and tech 3 mass extractors but only kind of works on tech 3 power generators and tech 3 land factories. the problem is the power generator starts with a shield but once the shield is depleted it does not recharge.
I wanted shields because the ppl I play against always set up shields so it would be nice just to have the shields incorporated. I want to clarify the shields work flawless on the mass fabricator and mass extractor. tech 3 units are the only tested units.
Shield = {
ImpactEffects = 'AeonShieldHit01',
ImpactMesh = '/effects/entities/ShieldSection01/ShieldSection01_mesh',
Mesh = '/effects/entities/AeonShield01/AeonShield01_mesh',
MeshZ = '/effects/entities/Shield01/Shield01z_mesh',
RegenAssistMult = 60,
ShieldEnergyDrainRechargeTime = 5,
ShieldMaxHealth = 18000,
ShieldRechargeTime = 24,
ShieldRegenRate = 150,
ShieldRegenStartTime = 1,
ShieldSize = 35,
ShieldVerticalOffset = -5,
Your post is the wrong forum pal, it will shortly get moved to mod dev support :)
you might want to look at this thread..
download that and also scroll down the first post and download the uef t1 land fac mod this adds 2 enehancement to the land fac.. a shield and some pd.. using the methinds in this mod you can add shields to any unit.. :)
look at this mod and learn from it.. :) there is to more to adding shields than just inserting values into the units blueprint.. :)|||Thank you for your help. I know there is more to modding than what I did but why did it work on mass extractors and not power???
THx for your help again|||THANK YOU FOR THE NEWBIE HELP at the start of the fourm. I needed to have and energy consumption maintenance.|||maybe energyconsumption and energyproduction don't go well together? my best guess...
try removing everything related to energyconsumption/energydrain from the shield and see if that works.
edit: on second thought, i'd say shields are scripted to wait for the energydrain to kick in (shieldenergydrainrechargetime) to activate - won't happen on your gens anytime soon... so you'd have to create a workaround in shield.lua.|||You can have consumption and production at the same time - they just cancel each other out in appropriate amounts. Just adding -1 maintenance to your unit will work fine without impacting output (unless it's a T1 pgen).
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