Anyone know whats causing the WARN'ing listed in the title of this post?
Resin|||is that the correct unit id?
there is no unit ual0310 o.O
well no default unit
ohhh... its a 4dc unit lol.. Aeon Heavy Mobile Defense Unit|||Is the unit perhaps missing any of the categories that formations.lua uses to assign formation position? It needs to have at least LAND, AIR, or NAVAL.|||at a guess id say remove the shield category pal... it has a shield as an enhancement.. when the formations filters units into cats..
it will filter this unit into the shield cat, i dont know why but something tells me its this..|||No, units with personal shields have SHIELD category as well. An 'extra' category won't cause this error, and would only cause it to be placed in an undesirable place in the formation. This is almost certainly caused by a missing category.|||Mithy|||I've never seen the error before, and I've looked at a lot of game logs. Is it a particularly large unit? Maybe it has something to do with the footprint size. I'm just grasping at straws here, because the error isn't from lua, and there's no real indication in formations.lua as to what could cause it.|||Mithy|||It is not originating from the lua at all. I searched the entire lua as well as sorian's ai files, and no part of this message appears anywhere.|||Domino|||Ive read somewhere on here along time ago that shield units sometimes dont go into the correct formation or are missed.. i cant quite remember exactly what was said in that thread... something just sticks in my head about shield units being guffed up sometimes.. when in a formation.. the problem with formations.lua is that its a chuffin total mess and hard to understand.. with all the formation positions using local vars and strange strings.. who ever wrote formations.lua needs a good kick up the ar*e!
mithy the error is in formations.lua..|||Domino
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