Friday, April 13, 2012

[FA]Subs with Fuel

[:1]Hi, I'm trying to make subs that would only stay underwater for awhile before "running out of fuel" and have to surface to recharge fuel. I tried adding fuelusetime and fuelrechargerate parameters to a sub blueprint. The result being that subs would use fuel when surfaced and start recharging fuel when underwater, which is the opposite of what I want. Any ideas on how to flip it?|||Well... I don't have your solution but i do have several questions.
1) Assuming that subs have to surface to "refuel" how would this be done? Would the player have to manually force the sub to surface or would it be automatic? Keep in mind that this would add allot to the micro management... I.E. This would make the naval units which already suck, suck more.
2) Assuming that a race is smart enough to travel through space, create an army on the fly and conquer other planets... Why would such a race need "fuel" in the first place? Yes, i know air units have fuel but that was done as a balancing tool on GPG's part not that it fits the races at all.

Resin|||WiseHero|||That would just make it instantly slow down whenever it goes underwater and regenerates a point of fuel, and would make it so that you would have to run it on the surface until the fuel ran out before it sped up.
Fuel drain is handled by the engine, so I doubt you'll be able to do this using the built-in fuel system. You'll have to manually script it using OnLayerChange, updating the fuel bar with SetWorkProgress.|||Hi,
Agreed, what mithy says is correct as usual :)
not to hard to impliment a quick system to handle this.|||@Resin Smoker: 1)I don't actually think that's relevant for now. If I can auto-surface the sub I'd definitely do it.
2)I know. Let's just not argue about it first.
Yeah I think I came to the same conclusion that fuel drain is handled by the engine. Guess I'll have to script it myself.

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