Monday, April 23, 2012

[SC2] Mithy's TMD Fix Plan

Mithy|||That wasn't meant to be a 'plan', just try it out and see if it works.
The AA weapon is non-relevant to the problem, because it uses seeking missiles that cannot miss once they've been fired, where the TMD weapon uses a beam that can easily miss. The beam is not having trouble firing, only hitting and/or doing enough damage. In addition, air targets operate at altitudes of 15-20, not 50+ as missiles do, making the angles involved much less steep for the AA weapon.
Using missiles for the TMD is not a good idea for a variety of reasons. The TMD has and needs a very high ROF to (theoretically) deal with the volume of incoming missiles. There would be extremely severe overkill issues if you switched the TMD weapon to a missile, making it even less effective than it is now. Additionally, you'd be significantly increasing the CPU burden of a tactical missile-heavy battle (30-100+ projectiles every 0.3 seconds is an order of magnitude more sim-intensive than that many beams).
And no, the Adaptor is the only Cybran TMD.|||Did someone say Overkill... lol|||Aeon SMD doesnt have TMD, does it?
Furthermore, wasnt the plan just to give missiles bigger hit spheres?|||I tested the exact changes in my post last night, including the 90 TurretPitchRange. It works extremely well, and Adaptors almost never miss.
The missile collision size increase solves 90% of the problem, and the TurretYaw/PitchSpeed solves another 9%. The remaining 1% is caused by the 0.2 FiringTolerance, which makes the beam occasionally miss its first shot because it fires prematurely while initially zeroing in on the missile.
With all three fixes together, a group of 20 adaptors will handily deal with 4-5 TMLs firing at them, although the TMD weapon's DPS is so low that when there are 20-30 incoming missiles at once, they'll still fail to kill every last one before they hit, just because it takes each Adaptor several seconds to kill each missile.

I'll toy around some more with a continuous beam setup as well, to moderate their DPS around ~5 instead of ~3.34, but that has some odd side effects, like the beam getting left on for 0.2-0.4s after they're done firing. This mostly just looks funny, but occasionally they will shoot each other and/or other nearby friendlies when the turret comes down to rest with the beam still on. :X|||Nephylim|||You cannot use splash damage with anti-missile weapons. Missiles have the NOSPLASHDAMAGE category, which makes them ignore all damage whose source has splash. That means that even if the anti-missile beam or projectile impacts them directly, it still only does splash damage, and therefore zero damage to missiles.
The hit sphere size + turret range/speed + firingtolerance solution works 100%, and needs no additions (other than maybe a bit more DPS, but that's difficult to do moderately with the rates of fire involved). I haven't looked in depth at how the other TMD function, but if they use projectiles, then they should already have their own advantages (higher dps, perfect accuracy) and disadvantages (overkill, response time), and if any use beams, they'll work considerably better with the new missile hit spheres.
Bastilean|||Mithy|||Likely none. That flag makes the unit move to within attack range of that weapon (or I assume the shortest range weapon if multiple have it) when it's on patrol as opposed to just zooming by. This is done via the attack manager, using some kind of attack order. Unless SC2 has been changed to allow projectiles to be targets for a unit's attack manager, it wouldn't have any affect for a TMD weapon.
Both the Sharpshooter and the Sliptack have the same beam and weapon settings as the Adaptor (360 turret speed, 0.2 firingtolerance) but do 6.67dps. So setting the Adaptor to 5dps would probably not be balanced, and these two units at least need their FiringTolerance eliminated. The missile hit sphere size should take care of the rest.|||Agreed. Change one TMD, change them all. I like changing the RoF more because it gives all the TMD an equal boost. Doubling the DPS would put UEF and Aeon TMD in the overkill area much more.|||3.34 to 5 IS changing the ROF.
Remember that this game operates on tenths of a second - 3 ROF is 3 times per second, or 1 second / 3 shots (0.3333_), rounded to the nearest tenth = 0.3s between shots, or 3.34 shots per second. The next increase in ROF is 0.2s between shots, or 1 / 0.2 = 5, for 5dps.
I'm against a DPS boost at this point. I'd rather moderate the hitpoints of tactical missiles in a more meaningful way, so that the spammable MML missiles are much more easily shot down by TMD than the more expensive and stationary factory/SML tactical missiles.
Say, 2-4hp for MML missiles, and 6-8 for structure and ACU missiles. Right now it's all over the place: Illuminate missiles are all 6, Cybran are 2-8, and UEF are mostly 4 (with one 2 I think).

Related to this, TMLs really, really, really need better target priorities. Right now, all three factory TMLs have 'LAND MOBILE' at the top of their priority list, which is simply the dumbest thing I can possibly imagine for a weapon that can't hit moving targets. I cannot in fact form words to describe just how stupid that is. Agh. At least it looks like the SML TMLs have 'STRUCTURE' at the top.|||Mithy|||The other option is to cut the missiles in half that the MML fire and double the dps. It sounds like the TML missiles would match the MML missiles better this way.
I believe these can be adjusted in the Blue Prints.
This is trickier than I originally conceived, because the units have racks, and I don't want to turn off firing points.
We can also improve the target priorities in the Blue Prints while we are at it.
Where did you come up with 3.32? I see the RoF = 3.
Do you mean to add the ROF upgrade 3 * 1/0.85 = 3.53?
Also, a 'beam' would do damage 10 times every second rather than 3 times like we have currently, right?
Is there a maximum rate of fire?|||Bastilean|||Why would you like a 'continuous beam' rather than a RoF of 10?
Also, all the MML I checked have STRUCTURE as their primary target. Will fix the Factory TMLs.
ROF, you are saying that the game just rounds and is done with it. It doesn't make up the lost ROF or gained ROF later on in the shooting?|||Continuous beams execute a lot less code at the same ROF. They skip virtually all of the .lua-based weapon code while they're operating, only using the lua for starting and stopping. They're also capable of staying active between ROF events and continuing to hit things while switching targets.
So there would be slight functionality and CPU performance benefits to a continuous 5-pulse-per-second beam, over a standard 5 ROF weapon. But it looks a bit funny when they're done firing (beam stays on too long), and I don't think the Adaptor needs an ROF boost.

Reducing MML firing amounts might be a good idea. I'll take a look at their muzzle setups. I'm guessing they all have a MuzzleSalvoDelay + MuzzleSalvoSize, and aren't actually using x number of muzzles for x number of missiles, but we'll see.
Yes, MML targeting is fine. So is SML-silo TML targeting. But all three factory addon TMLs are preferring mobile targets, which is just, ugh.
Bastilean|||Mithy|||Bastilean|||Mithy|||No, if you change that, its arms won't move forward and it won't be able to fire its beams at all.
The Kraken's weapon setup is odd, because it has a complex, multi-weapon deploy animation. It uses a dummy weapon for aiming and deployment, and the other weapons are only enabled when the deploy animation is completely finished. The details of this are in the script, if you're interested.
Long story short, there is no good way to make the Kraken fire while moving without making a completely new animation for movement while deployed, and doing all of the support coding to make sure this new animation plays whenever it's deployed and starts to move. Otherwise it will just stay in its deployed animation, and awkwardly slide around without any of the usual swimming movement.

A better solution would be to up the unit's beam DPS to a point where it's actually worth deploying, and increasing its torpedo DPS to where it can fight off a few subs and actually contribute to a naval battle (since its main guns CANNOT hit naval targets that do not want to be hit).
While we're on the topic of Cybran navy, the Executioner's surface guns are just as bad, and desperately need their muzzle velocity at least doubled.|||Mithy

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