Thursday, April 19, 2012

[FA-SOLVED] pardon my noob (hooking issues)

hokay, I've been re-reading this for hours and I still can't make heads or tails of what I'm supposed to do to get the hooking to work.
I've set up a test mod for learning that has a copy of the T2 aeon shieldgen (separate from my other mod, which has much more in it [which I haven't been able to test properly because of this])
I can't even get the thing to show up in the mod-manager....
I just know that when someone tells me what the issue is I'm going to repeatedly smack myself with my keyboard, but it's driving me nuts and is preventing me from balance-testing new stuff.
problem solved!
thanks Mithy!|||Upload what you have online somewhere (I recommend GoogleCode, or dropbox) and someone will have a look for you.
Simply saying "Help. My mod won't work, and I don't know why." isn't very productive. We don't know what's wrong with it either.|||Oh, you misunderstand (probably because I didn't explain for S&^$ in the first post)
I'm not asking 'I have a problem with an existing thing,'
I'm asking 'I can't find a half-decent source of information (IE one that is well-explained in a way my non-coder self will be able to understand) on how this is done, can somebody walk me through it?'
and I've got Exavier's tutorial thingy, and I've been looking at the wiki.
I'm afraid I simply don't get what I'm supposed to do in the lua code.
anyone want to write/link some detailed information about the subject?||||||Download a mod that you know works. The simpler, the better.
Copy its folder structure. Copy its mod_info.lua, and change the UID, name, clear out any requirement/conflict tables.
There, you have a working mod. Blueprint files can go anywhere in your mod folder, new units go in \units, and hooks of existing scripts go in \hook, with the same path as the original file (e.g. \hook\lua\sim\Unit.lua to hook /lua/sim/Unit.lua). I still start mods this way (although I do it from a known-working blank template folder) because it's faster than trying to write a mod_info.lua from scratch every time.
The fastest way to learn modding is always to look through a working mod, preferably one that's simple and well-commented.|||It works now! Oh joy!

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