Friday, April 13, 2012

[SC2] [SOLVED] Create an ability?

[:1]SOLVED, I was missing a file that I needed to modify
How do I create an ability? I am just copying the RechargeShield_Ability .bp and .lua file, and then renaming them RechargeShell_Ability .bp and .lua. But whenever I try to use it, one of two things happen.
If I tell the unit in question to load the ability 'RechargeShell' without the '_Ability.bp'
ending, the game crashes when the unit is selected. But when I type out the full name, the ability does not appear at all! (I have checked, it is set to be enabled from the start)
What am I doing wrong?|||Look at the Massive Conversion mod I released. It creates two new abilities, adds them to the UI abilities table (lack of this is what's causing your crash), and adds them to the appropriate units.
Make sure when you call SetAbilityEnabled that you give it an all-lowercase ability blueprintid. The blueprint filename's case doesn't matter - all blueprintids are converted to lowercase when the blueprints load.|||Thanks. I've taken some time to experiment, and now it works wonders!
I have three new abilities already:
Launch Escape Pod/Detonate Reactor
Vision Boost
Extractor Overdrive
Despite SC2's lack of hooking ability, its buff system is marvelous, allowing for so many possibilities!

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