Thursday, April 12, 2012

[SC2] Very Interesting Behavior Observed in an Ally Engineer

[:1]I built an engineer and set it to guard my ally's ACU. The engineer was given no other orders.
The engineer followed the ACU.
The engineer attempted to repair the ACU when it was in range.
The engineer finished a structure that the ally ACU started building!
The engineer went back to following the ally ACU after completing the structure!
Why? and how do I get engineers to do that for their own ACU's?|||Hi,
id harzard a guess and say they forgot to remove this behaviour from the original assist order code..
as for you finding a solution to making the unit assist its own commander..
prolly cant do this without adding a new order which in its self.. is very difficult.. but not impossible.. :/|||Hey,
I know how, iv'e stumbled across exactly what you've mentioned. simply tell your acu to build what ever it is you want it to build then select your engineer and tell it to assist your acu, but make sure your engie is assisting before your acu reaches the build site.
Hope this helps.
Also your engie has to be closer to the build site then the acu, the engie will auto build what ever the acu has qued up to build, but it usally only does it once or twice. At least for me it has. :wink:

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