Thursday, April 12, 2012

SC:FA Mini-Commander 0.9 Mod ???

[:1]How can I make Torpedoes, Antitorpedo and Antimissle work well?
The Torpedo dive under the Sonar instead of damaging it.
Tactical Missile Defense works.|||I make a second post for two reasons:
1. The Antitorpedo is not working. :evil:
When a Torpedo comes, it starts first in the right direction. But after a very short distance, it turns around and goes from its target away! What is this, high tech?!
2. It seems to me, that this mod is not enough supported and also not very spread.
But why? It changes the gameplay in a very good way, because now you don't need so big maps and can enjoy big Battles nevertheless. With this Mod the atmosphere betters a lot, also. This should be for much people a must have, isn't it?|||You're probably not getting a response because nobody knows what this mod is that you're referring to, and you didn't post any links to or information about it.|||The only mod i know of is BMs Mini Commander for SC2 he made for the demo :?|||The Mini-Commander mod is here to find:
Download: ...|||Yeah, I did make Mini-Commander.
I haven't looked at it for a long time thought. However, this does sound a bit familiar. The torpedo problem should be (an educated guess) because I adjusted the collision boxes to fit the sizes.
That or the torpedoes aren't changing their depth properly.
[PS:] It'd be really awesome if you took a look at patching the bug too.|||His post title says 'SC:FA'. I don't think he's talking about your mod, unless you made a version for FA as well, and added torpedos, anti-torpedos, and anti-missile weapons to the ACU?|||Mini Commander was indeed, originally an FA mod.
I hurriedly ported it to Sup2 during the demo. because we all immediately saw that units were scaled up in size. I don't recall actively changing the performance of TMD/torp. defence other than range.|||BulletMagnet

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